Sunday 13 June 2010

WWF RAW IS WAR, January 11th, 1999

DX kick off the show, but simply to introduce the NEW WWF Champion, Mankind!

Foley comes out to brand new music (the theme he used for the rest of his career), which, hearing it for the "first" time here, I'm only just realizing how much of a boring, generic theme it really is, besides the car crash intro. It became sort of iconic in it's own right, but it really isn't too good.

Mankind thanks Austin for his help last week,  and says he hopes to defend the title against him at Wrestlemania. Vince, Shane and The Rock come out, and Shane announces that tonight, we'll see a Corporate Royal Rumble including all the members of DX and The Corporation, with the winner getting the #30 spot in the Royal Rumble.

Rock then demands a title match at Royal Rumble, and Foley finally agrees, on the condition that they make it an I Quit match. Real smart booking for Foley to add stipulations that mean he can't get screwed over by the Corporation, and that also play up to his strengths of being a ridiculously tough sonofagun who can "Take a lickin' and keep on tickin'!'".

Vince announces that Foley will also be defending the WWF title here tonight, against Kane! Really good mic work all across the board here, but Jesus Christ did this segment drag on. It took up the entire first 22 minutes of the show. That's the same length of time that some show manage to tell an entire narrative in, all spent on a few guys talking to set up three matches.

 WWF Tag Team Championship #1 Contendership
The New Age Outlaws (w/Chyna) vs. Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart (w/Debra)
Before the match starts, we see a clip of Big Bossman losing a match on HeAT thanks to a Debra distracion. You see, she has boobs, and boobs stop men's brains from working.

Anyway, the match itself was pretty goddamn boring. I'd like to say that Owen supplied some highlights, but I can't even remember him doing anything all that interesting here. Debra tries to distract  Billy Gunn with her boobs, but he's immune to their powers somehow! He tells Debra to SUCK IT~! Gunn tags in Road Dogg, then gets distracted by Debra and Chyna squaring off outside the ring, allowing Owen to pin Dogg. I have no idea why two women staring at each other had more of an effect on Gunn than BOOBIES.


Gillberg vs. Luna Vachon
J.O.B. Squad supply the "pyro" for Gillberg's entrance. He grabs a mic and says that he doesn't want to know Who's Next, he wants to know Who's First! ODB Luna accepts the challenge, and after failed Spear and Jackhammer attempts, picks up the win with a Splash. As far as comedy matches go, this one was less lame than most. An obsessed Sable fan or whatever jumps Luna after the match, before getting dragged away by security.

We see clips of Jose Lothario getting beat down by Vince and the Stooges on HeAT the night before. I'm almost starting to think that I should be watching that show, too...

Dennis Knight is rambling away to Lawler and Cole after the break. The Acolytes approach, and tell him that "He" is waiting.

Val Venis comes out and does his usual "Hello, Ladies!" schtick. He spots an attractive young female in the front row, and starts putting the moves on her, but then WHAM~! Ken Motherfucking Shamrock beats the shit out of that fool! Ken tells Val not to mess with his sister, then as he's leaving, Billy Gunn hits the ring and moons Shamrock's sister! Shamrock and Bossman brawl with Gunn and Venis for a while, and then Shamrock tells Gunn that he'll defend his Intercontintental title against him at Royal Rumble. That's right, he became the #1 contender by baring his buttocks.

European Championship: X-Pac (c) vs. Al Snow
Al Snow has lost his head! Apparently, Goldust stole Head from him last night on HeAT, and Snow looks decidedly lost without it.  So-so match, that sees Snow miss a Moonsault (You'll get 'em next time, champ), which leads to a Bronco Buster. Goldust then comes out with Head, which has been given a Goldust-style makeover. Dust hits Snow with Head, which allows Pac to win with an X-Factor. Snow then goes after Head again, only for Goldust to hit him with it again. And then again. Okay.

WWF Championship: Mankind (c) vs. Kane
Highlight of the match is Kane blocking a Stump-Puller Piledriver  outside the ring, and then with Foley basically hanging upside-down by his ankles, Kane throws him spine-first into the ring steps, before simply letting him drop to the floor, headfirst. No idea how it didn't kill the guy, honestly.

Mankind counters a Chokeslam attempt with a Low Blow, then follows up with a Double Arm DDT, and then MR. SOCKO! Foley can't get the Mandible Claw through Kane's mask, though, and takes a Tombstone in the middle of the ring! Kane goes for the pin!



The Rock runs in and breaks up the pin! Rocky delivers a stiff chair shot to Kane, then one to Mankind! Then GLASS SHATTERS! Foley gets up and grabs the chair from The Rock, who decides to head for the hills. Austin enters the ring, and Foley goes to hand him the chair, but gets a STUNNER in return! Kane is to his feet just in time to take a STUNNER of his own! Real fun match that made Kane look like a beast, without really hurting Foley too much. The chaos at the end was a blast to watch, too.

After the break, Vince McMahon is backstage with The Rock, asking him why the hell he stopped Kane from winning the title. Rock's all fired up, and says that he wants to make Foley scream "I Quit" at the PPV.

Triple H (w/Chyna) vs. Edge
Triple H does the usual "Let's get ready to SUCK IT~!" promo, which was just as lame then as it is now.
This match had me interested, seeing as these two are probably the most decorated champions currently in WWE, facing off here before either of them had ever won a world title. I also think they've only had one major singles match against each other, which is pretty surprising when you consider how many times both of them have faced just about every other current main eventer. Anyway, this match looked like it might be fairly even, rather than the Triple H squash I was expecting, when Edge countered a Pedigree attempt into a Slingshot into the turnbuckles. It then quickly turned into the Triple H squash I was expecting, with Edge eating a Pedigree no more than 20 seconds laters. Ah well.

 Gangrel and Christian swarm over Triple H after the match, and the lights go out as DX make their way to the ring. When the lights come back on, we see that Road Dogg has been a victim of a bloodbath, and he's PISSED! He'll be sending The Brood his dry-cleaning bill for sure!

Alright, you might want to take a few moments to prepare yourself for this one, because it's quite possibly the most fucked-up thing I've ever witnessed on a pro wrestling show...

The Acolytes come out onto the ramp, wheeling Dennis Knight out with them on some sort of table. There's a big Undertaker symbol at the other side of the ramp, and a big chair in the shape of the symbol by the entrance. The Undertaker and Paul Bearer come out, and Taker sits in the chair.

 There's a long, rambling Taker promo, filled with just about every cheesy horror movie cliche line you can imagine, with Bearer cackling away to himself throughout. Taker eventually gets up, and walks over to Dennis Knight, where he speaks in tongues for a while, before taking a huge fucking knife from Paul Bearer. He then proceeds to SLIT HIS OWN FUCKING WRIST, pouring the blood from the cut into a goblet. He then rechristens Knight as Mideon, making him drink the blood. More speaking in tongues, followed by Taker carving the fucking symbol into Mideon's chest. Lightning hits the symbol to the side of the ramp, setting it on fire, as Taker sits back down in his big chair, which ends a segment too fucking weird for words.

Eleven years after this, on the same show, in the same timeslot, a man loses his job for pulling on a dude's tie.

D'Lo Brown comes out with Terri Runnels and Jacqueline, and apologizes to Terri, who apparently had a miscarriage after her accident last week. I can't even be offended by this after what I just saw. I'm numb. Anyway, D'Lo reluctantly agrees to face Mark Henry to make up for killing Terri's unborn child. Fair trade, I guess.

Before the match even starts, Terri hits a Low Blow on Mark Henry, which bring out Chyna and Sammy. Chyna shoves Jacqueline, and it sounds like her boobs fell out of her top, but the camera cut to a crowd shot.

After the break, Chyna leaves Mark alone with Sammy backstage. Uh-oh...

A Vince McMahon training video plays, with Shane coaching. He makes Vince run with a log on his shoulders in the snow, then chase a chicken around, and then beat the shit out of some meat. Funny stuff.

Corporate Royal Rumble
Ken Shamrock starts things off against Billy Gunn, but Shamrock eliminates himself almost immediately, Macho Man-style, by diving over the top rope and onto Gunn. Bossman, Test and X-Pac enter with no eliminations, then Gunn gets Hip Tossed out by Test, leaving Pac at a 2-on-1 disadvantage. Road Dogg enters, but Kane is up next, and he takes out Dogg, making it 3-on-1. Triple H is out last, and he eliminates Test, and then Kane with some help from X-Pac. Bossman dumps Pac out of the ring straight afterwards.

That leaves Triple H and Big Bossman, and they're both close to eliminating each other, when Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring! He enters, and throws both guys over the ropes, making him the winner!

BUT THEN CHYNA COMES OUT! Patterson and Brisco try to stop her from getting in the ring, but she lays them both out, and then GLASS SHATTERS~! With Vince distracted by Austin, Chyna enters the ring and throws him out to the floor, making her the 30th entrant in the Royal Rumble BAH GAWD.

Final Thoughts:
Despite the WWF title match being pretty damn good, and the main event being fun for what it was, this show was definitely a step down from the previous week. It did do a lot more to build to the Royal Rumble, I suppose, but that came at the expense of good matches and really entertaining moments. And I'm still reeling from whatever the fuck that Undertaker angle was supposed to be.

Friday 11 June 2010

WWF RAW IS WAR, January 4th, 1999

The show opens with The Corporation in the ring. Vince is talking, but is quickly interrupted by Shawn Michaels and the rest of DX. HBK tells Vince that Austin is entering the Royal Rumble at #1, and Vince is entering at #2. He also says that he has a surprise for Vince, that'll drive him "Stone Cold Crazy"! 

Ken Shamrock vs. Steve Blackman
Wow, two legit shitkickers to start off the in-ring action. Not too shabby. Dan Severn comes out to observe, which increases the already dangerougly high levels of masculinity here. Michael Cole makes a wacky comment about his history with Shamrock "back in the UFC days", as if it was dead and buried at this point. Billy Gunn comes out and takes advantage of a Severn distraction, to hit a Fameasser on Shamrock, which hands the win to Blackman. Fun, physical stuff in the ring here for the few minutes they had. I wasn't happy about Gunn's appearance, but I guess they needed to do something to reduce the manliness levels on display here, or else TV sets around the world may have started to spontaneously sprout testicles.

After the break, Shamrock and Gunn are brawling around backstage. The World's Most Dangerous Man takes care of business, of course.

Mankind is up next! He talks about giving "Mr. Jocko" to Pat Patterson a couple of weeks ago, and says that, in a rugged, manly way, he sort of enjoyed it. I'm sure he wasn't the only one. He talks trash about the McMahons, then asks for a shot at Rock's WWF Title at Royal Rumble. Vince comes out, and tells Foley that he doesn't deserve a shot at the title.  He does, however, give him a shot at entering the Royal Rumble by facing HHH tonight, with Shane McMahon as the special guest referee.

Chyna and "her girlfriend" are seen backstage just before commercial. Good Lord.

Mark Henry vs. Goldust
SEXUAL CHOCOLATE! Not a terrible match, until Chyna and the woman from earlier distract Henry, which allows Goldust to... get himself disqualified with Shattered Dreams! What a mastermind!  Chyna gets in the ring, and tells Henry that the other night with him was incredible. I think I just threw up a little. She introduces Mark to "Sammy" or whatever, and insinuates that they could have a threesome, and Henry passes out.

Dennis Knight is seen hanging by his hands in some torture device, begging for help. Cole and Lawler wonder where he could be. Maybe they should ask the production crew that sent a cameraman out there? Oh well.

The Godfather vs. Test
Val Venis comes out to observe, and Test gets himself DQ'd outside the ring. Venis attacks, and they have a bit of a pull-apart brawl. Nothing match.

Mankind vs. Triple H
Special Guest Referee: Shane McMahon

Shane kicks Foley's hands off the ropes as he tries to block a Sunset Flip, then delivers the fasted three-count ever. Not a bad match while it lasted, but they were basically just killing time until the finish.

Triple H grabs a mic after the match, and apologizes to Foley, but says that a win is a win (and it you're gonna win, then make it a win). Shane raises his hand, then eats a Pedigree. Foley threatens to break Shane's shoulder, and holds him hostage until Vince gives him a No DQ title shot TONIGHT! Sure, that'll put butts in seats...

Edge vs. D'Lo Brown
Edge wrestles like a cruiserweight here, hitting a Headscissor Takedown and a huge Plancha, which is a little weird to see. Brown hits a massive Running Powerbomb, but only gets a 2-count because he waits about 30 seconds before going for the pin. This match is getting really fun, as Brown counters a top rope move from Edge into a big Spinebuster. Then here comes Terri and Jacqueline to fuck everything up! Terri slips off the apron, then clutches at her stomach because she's pregnant or some bullshit! Who needs wrestling when you can have fake miscarriage scares!?

After the break, the light go out in the arena... THAT'SGOTTABEKANE. He's got a Brisco Bros. Body Shop sign stuck to his back! Shane, still in his refs shirt, announces that Kane is facing...

Kane vs. Gerald Brisco & Pat Patterson
The Stooges get killed with Chokeslams, obv.
Kane goes to Chokeslam Shane too, but Vince threatens to send him back to the insane asylum. Brisco and Patterson made this whole thing pretty entertaining by acting like, y'know, stooges.

Dennis Knight is still begging for help somewhere, and the Acolytes appear and tell him that "He" is ready for Knight.

Hardcore Championship: Road Dogg (c) vs. Al Snow
Snow goes for a Moonsault off the guardrail through a table, but Road Dogg moves. Snow gets thrown through a second table up by the entrance ramp, and then gets back on offense maybe 30 seconds later, throwing everything in sight at Road Dogg backstage. Road Dogg tries to use a fire extinguisher against Snow, and just like every other time a wrestler tries to use one, it doesn't work. If there's ever a fire in the locker room, these guys are fucked! They brawl outside, where it's snowing,  and Snow takes a piledriver through a wooden pallet for the three. This was way better than I had expected it to be, even if a lot of the backstage stuff was sort of boring.

We see The Acolytes throw Dennis Knight through a door, then see Shawn Michaels outside the arena, beaten up and bloodied, with his head thrown through a car's windshield, supposedly by the Corporation.

WWF Championship: The Rock (c) vs. Mankind
No Disqualification

DX are out in Foley's corner, and the Corporation are in The Rock's.  Cole and Lawler say that there's going to be a clear winner and loser in this match, instead of the kind of "schmozz" you'll see over in WCW. Pretty ironic given the finish of all but one match on this show thus far.

Rock and Foley brawl around for a while,  with their entourages generally staying out of the action, and Rock getting a near-fall with a People's Elbow. Mankind locks in Mr. Socko, but Ken Shamrock hits him with a steel chair. Billy Gunn takes out Shamrock, and then it's on like Donkey Kong! DX and the Corporation are brawling all around the ring, and then GLASS SHATTERS!



Final Thoughts:
I'm guessing that anyone reading this has already seen this main event, so it really goes without saying that the crowd goes absofuckinglutely insane at the end of this thing. This was a great way to end a show that, despite all the screwy finishes and absurd storylines, actually delivered more than it's share of good wrestling.

Hopefully the Raws following this one can give me some less well-remembered, but equally exciting moments as the ending to this show. Oh, and plenty more of Ken Shamrock beating the shit out of people!

Hello, and welcome to Raw Retrospective!

As someone who didn't really get into pro wrestling until late 2000, I've always regretted missing out on what many see as the Golden Age of the WWF. Sure, I've seen plenty of clips from that time, along with a fair few matches, but I've always felt like an outsider, simply observing these moments, instead of truly experiencing them. So I figured, hey, better late than never, and tracked down every episode of Raw from 1999, which I now plan to watch in order (possibly along with PPVs and SmackDowns once I get that far), and review each and every show I watch right here!

So join me in a journey through pro graps history, as I travel back into the Attitude Era!